04 January 2011

Sorting in List<> Generics in Csharp

Sorting in List<> Generics in Csharp



// Create Resource class with variables(Members)

public class Resources


            public string Name { get; set; }

            public string url { get; set; }

            public int id { get; set; }

            public string Image { get; set; }

            public string post { get; set; }

            public DateTime Createddate { get; set; }

            public string ListName { get; set; }



            public static int Comparedate(Resources r1, Resources r2)


// To display in descending order multiply with -1

                return r1.Createddate.CompareTo(r2.Createddate) * -1;




List<Resources> Rs = new List<Resources>();



Add values to the list as below.


Resources r2 = new Resources();

                            r2.post = PostItem["Title"].ToString();

                            r2.Name = "";

                            r2.url = "";

                            r2.Image = ImageUrl.ToString();

                            r2.id = PostItem.ID;

                            r2.Createddate = Convert.ToDateTime(PostItem["Created"]);

                            r2.ListName = "Posts";





Resources r3 = new Resources();

                            if (postedLink["Notes"] != null)

                                r3.post = postedLink["Notes"].ToString();

                            r3.Name = postedLink["URL"].ToString().Substring(0, postedLink["URL"].ToString().IndexOf(','));

                            r3.url = postedLink["URL"].ToString().Substring(0, postedLink["URL"].ToString().IndexOf(','));

                            r3.Image = ImageUrl.ToString();

                            r3.id = postedLink.ID;

                            r3.Createddate = Convert.ToDateTime(postedLink["Created"]);

                            r3.ListName = "Links";



Comparison<Resources> ComparedList = new Comparison<Resources>(Resources.Comparedate);




Assign ‘Rs’list to the repeater or gridview.


Source: http://shafaqat309.wordpress.com/2009/05/04/sorting-generic-collections-list-in-cnet-net-2-0-net-3-5-c-classes-collections-generics-sorting/